Thursday, July 26, 2007

Public Toilet Lid Closers.... I hate you

I hate people who closes the the lid of the toilet after they use it. I mean maybe for them it looks neat and everything, but what about the person going next? It's like SURPRISE! Guess whether it's clean or not! Ewww! I used think that people closed the lid because something nasty is in there and you don't want to see it but usually it's a clean toilet. Serously though who would want to touch it? who? Not me!! and what if something nasty really is in there?? Gross gross gross!

So next time, if you're using the public loo don't close the lid. Just flush and don't leave wee marks on the seat (another yucky one!!!)

1 comment:

JENNY said...

I know!!! That's why I flush it first before I open the lid