Monday, July 16, 2007

Chain letters and other internet crap

I hate getting chain letters in my email. They're a waste of time, and very annoying.

"The President of Argentina received this letter and called it 'junk mail', 8 days later his son died. A man received this letter and immediately sent out copies...his surprise was winning the lottery. Alberto Martinez received this letter, gave it to his secretary to make copies but they forgot to distribute: she lost her job and he lost his family. This letter is miraculous and sacred, don ' t forget to forward this within 13 days to at least 20 people. Do Not Forget to forward and you will receive a huge surprise!!"

F that. Seriously, why would people waste their time making those and why would people say such mean, horrible things. 'They didn't forward it, they die?' I should have died/ lost my job/ got someone I love die like 1 miliion times already because of all this poo that I threw out in the garbage (grade school days, not much internet usage yet) or sent straight to the trash folder. Do you forward chain letters that scare people? If so, whyyyy??? and please, don't send it to me. Send me something fun and/or inspirational.

I also have come to the conclusion that my Myspace has been hacked. My email address was changed. How do I know this? I went on "forgot password" typed my email add in and they said that my email is not registered. Also on my page, all my friends are gone and my comments. Soooo tah- tah Myspace! goodbye perverts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.