Saturday, May 19, 2007

SPIDERMAN 3 The gayest "action" movie ever.

Honestly, were they catering to the "growing emo community?" Spiderman 3: The Battle Within was the movie were the whole cast cries. There were about three fight scenes which were about 5 seconds each and then its singing, dancing, and crying. I mean honestly, who would idolise a superhero who dances on the street? They should have called it Spiderman the musical, Kirsten Dunst sings twice, which is fairly annoying, because her voice is very annoying. Although my sister says it wasn't her voice, anyway, she annoys me.

The moslty all- male cast of Spiderman all cries. Even The Sandman cries for God's sakes. Are we living in a world were men are evolving into pussies? Peter Parker cries like every 5 minutes in the movie, and the movie was 150 minutes. Do the math there, that is a lot of lip quivering.

All in all, it was gay, but it still had cool effects. The best character in that movie was was sandman, not because awww he's only misunderstood but because they did a great job with the effects on him.

As long as we're talking about "emotional" boys, here are some emo jokes:

How many Emos does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They'd rather sit in the dark & cry.

How do you know an Emo has used your bathroom?
You find him dead in your bathtub.

How many emo kids does it take to fix a lightbulb?
One to fix it, and thousands to write a song about how the shattered pieces reflect their broken lives.

How do you get an emo out of a tree?
Cut the rope.

How do you drive an emo kid insane?
Put 'em in a round room and tell them to go cry in the corner

What do you call 1000 emos at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start.

Whats so tragic about 4 emo kids dying in a car crash?
The car seated 5.

Why do emos always wear white belts?
Because they suck at karate.

How do you keep an emo from drowning?
Remove your foot off his head.

What do you have when you have an emo kid neck deep in concrete?
Not enough concrete.

1 comment:

JENNY said...

i will call it Emo Spiderman