Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Dental Dilemma

Today, I went to the dentist to get checked up and for a cleaning. Now to be honest, I've been kinda neglecting my pearly whites for a while (haven't actually been to a dentist in 2 years! gasp!) and I thought it was about time, plus this guy gives student discounts! yay! I remember in the Philippines I used to love going to the dentist, she was really nice and the procedures didn't hurt at all, even my when I was getting my braces done. But today... well, today was different. I understand now why people hate going to the dentist. First of all, he made me wear this funny looking yellow goggles, which was fine since no one was there. Then it came to the cleaning and check up part. It hurt like hell. I swear my toes were curled and my nails were lodged into my skin because of the pain. I thought he was scraping off my gums to be honest.

But what hurts the most is, he found that, I have to get four x- rays, a filling, my wisdom teeth (2 of them) taken out by surgery(!), something about dental thingy, and another thing... I don't have to do them all at once though, I can get them fixed one by one or something... but he gave me an estimate of all of them and lo and behold i need a whooping $760!

Currently, I have 50 bux in my bank account. Whoop. If you want to donate to Jasmine's healthy teeth fund, you can email me at jasminejose5@yahoo.com

I hope you can help =)


JENNY said...

you can setup a PayPal account and put a 'donate' button on your site (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_pdn_donate_techview_outside)


Anonymous said...

and there u were wanting to buy proactiv...so...pearly whites or pearly whites? really aj...you have no choice here. hehehe.